Rhodes International Festival
Palace of the grand Master of the Knights
Medieval city of Rhodes
The Festival
Rhodes International Festival was founded in the summer of 2007 on Rhodes island, Greece,well known as “The Island of the Knights”, in order to upgrade the cultural identity of this beautiful place and to promote cultural tourism and cultural heritage.
The main focus is the venue of the festival, the famous Palace of the Grand Magister -Palace of the Knights, located in the medieval city which has been classified by UNESCO’s catalogue as a Monument of World Cultural Heritage.
The festival, which is distinguished by its high artistic level, takes place during the first two weeks of September and focuses mainly on classical music and opera, film music, as well as musicals and innovative cross over music concerts.
Major orchestras, ensembles and distinguished artists have appeared at the International Festival of Rhodes : the Camerata Friends of Music Orchestra /Armonia Atenea , the Symphony Orchestra of the Greek Radio Television ERT, the internationally renowned pianist Cyprien Katsaris, the distinguished greek piano soloist Dimitris Sgouros, the Renaissance Vocal Ensemble “CantArte” from Germany, “The Opera Buffos” with the distinguished baritones Stefanos Koroneos and Adelmo Guidarelli from New York are some of the orchestras, ensembles and artists presented at the festival. Paolo Micciche , the famous italian stage director honored the festival too, participating with his productions and eminent opera singers from Italy and France.
Opera galas, Symphony Orchestras, chamber music ensembles, tributes to: Maria Callas with renowned soloists of the National Opera, Astor Piazzolla music, European Cinema music , Greek composers , classical brass instruments, tributes to the European Music Day, Tango as well as jazz concerts with leading Greek jazzmen are some of the projects presented at the festival.
The Rhodes International Festival under the Artistic and Managing Direction of Mrs Penelope Serdari, founder of the festival, takes place in the historic medieval Palace of the Grand Master, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, the Greek National Tourism Organization, GNTO and the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO. The festival is organised by the non profit Cultural Organisation for the dissemination of the Arts and Greek Culture, “Rhodes International Festival” and the Culture and Sports Organisation of the Municipality of Rhodes

2023 Programme
Our 2020 Programme in a Glance
“Omorfi Zoi”
“La vita è bella”
Thodoris Voutsikakis
Inspired by:
Nicola Piovani’s
Lina Nikolakopoulou’s
Ο ταλαντούχος νεαρός τραγουδιστής Θοδωρής Βουτσικάκης είναι ο καλεσμένος καλλιτέχνης για την επίσημη έναρξη του 13ου Διεθνούς Φεστιβάλ Ρόδου. Mια συναυλία σε επιμέλεια της στιχουργού Λίνας Νικολακοπούλου αφορμή της οποίας αποτελεί ο δίσκος τους που πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησε με τίτλο «Όμορφη Ζωή», σε μουσική του βραβευμένου με Οσκαρ ιταλού συνθέτη Nicola Piovani. Αγαπημένα τραγούδια της σπουδαίας στιχουργού σε ένα πρόγραμμα που η ίδια ανθολογεί για τον Θοδωρή Βουτσικάκη
The talented young singer Thodoris Voutsikakis is the guest artist for the official opening of the 13th Rhodes International Festival. A concert curated by the great lyricist Lina Nikolakopoulou, on the occasion of their recently released album, entitled “Omorfi Zoi”, with the music of the Oscar award-winning Italian composer Nicola Piovani. The most favorite songs of the great lyricist in a program that she compiles for Thodoris Voutsikakis
Concert under the moonlight
Alexia Voulgaridou
Korina Vougiouka
Η διεθνούς φήμης Ελληνίδα σοπράνο Αλεξία Βουλγαρίδου, η οποία έχει εμφανισθεί στα πιο σημαντικά οπερατικά θέατρα παγκοσμίως όπως η “Σκάλα του Μιλάνου” το Royal Opera House Covent Garden κ.α μας κάνει την μεγάλη τιμή να συμμετέχει στο 13ο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Ρόδου μαζί με τη διακεκριμένη κιθαρίστα Κορίνα Βουγιούκα. To πρόγραμμα συμπεριλαμβάνει τραγούδια εμπνευσμένα από τις μουσικές παραδόσεις της Ευρώπης.
The internationally renowned Greek soprano Alexia Voulgaridou, who has appeared in the most important opera houses in the world such as “La Scala of Milan”, the Royal Opera House Covent Garden etc, honor us with her participation to the 13th Rhodes International Festival together with the distinguished guitarist Korina Vougiouka. The program includes songs inspired by the traditional music of European countries.
A Tribute to Maria Callas / Greece
Opera Gala
Με την ευκαιρία της επετείου των 43 χρόνων από τον θάνατο της Μαρίας Κάλλας, το φεστιβάλ αφιερώνει αυτή τη συναυλία στη μνήμη της με τη συμμετοχή διακεκριμένων πρωταγωνιστών της Εθνικής Λυρικής Σκηνής. Το πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει έργα των : G. Verdi, G. Rossini, G. Puccini, G. Bizet, W. A. Mozart, J. Offenbach κ.α
Τhe festival presents a Tribute to Maria Callas on the occasion of the 43trd anniversary of her death. Three distinguished singers of the Greek National Opera will perform arias and duets from operas by: G. Verdi, G. Rossini, G. Puccini, G. Bizet, W. A. Mozart, J. Offenbach e.t.c
Mina Polychronou soprano
Irini Karaianni mezzo
Haris Andrianos baritone
Spyros Souladakis piano

Αιγιδα - Υποστηριξη - Χορηγοι

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Adalyn Quin